
Combined Service / 8:00 a.m. Sundays in person in the Sanctuary
Contemporary Service / 9:30 a.m. Sundays in person in The Well and Streaming Here
Traditional Service / 11:00 a.m. Sundays in person in the Sanctuary and Streaming Here

Sunday School

Adult Classes at 9:30

Kairos The Kairos Sunday School meets in Room #114 (the room left to the stage in the Spirit Center). This class was organized in ‘78-’79 and is made up of former Baptists, Catholics, Presbyterians, life-long Methodists, and people coming from no particular church background. The diversity of opinions only adds to the liveliness of the discussions. Everyone looking for a fun filled, Spirit led, open-for-discussion Sunday morning class is welcome.

Questors The Questors Sunday School Class meets in Room #119 (the large room on the east side of the first floor of the Spirit Center). This is a very diversified class with members from all over the country. It doesn’t matter if you are born and raised a Southerner, a “Snow Bird”, a retiree, or relocating to our area for a new career...we want to welcome you. We range in age from the 60+ and up but welcome anyone that wants to join us in our “Quest” for Bible knowledge and understanding.

Wesley The Wesley Sunday School class meets in Room #205 (the room in the northwest corner of the 2nd floor of the Spirit Center). This class contains members who have been with the church for weeks, as well as years. This class contains singles, couples, retirees, working people, volunteers, and more and the ages range from thirty-somethings to thirty-somethings plus 30! If you like discussion with your Sunday lesson, you’ve come to the right place!

Adult Classes at 10:30

Adult Small Group meets every Sunday at 10:30 a.m. in the Parlor. This class picks a book and discusses a chapter of the book each week. (The first book discussed was Love Does by Bob Goff. The next book is Everybody Always by Bob Goff.) Any ages are welcome to come to this class and you do not have to read the materials to meet with this group. 

Other opportunities:

We have multiple Life Groups and Bible Studies. Please contact Peggy Ratcliff at 251-975-8336 or for information about these opportunities. Some meet on Zoom and some meet in person.